The Company pledges its commitment to developing business alongside achieving balance among economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

To that end, the Company strives to become a good corporate citizen in sustainable business undertakings and in driving the business to grow stably and gain wide acceptance in society, building on ethics and good corporate governance principles.

It is also committed to creating value for shareholders efficiently with concern for the impact of its activities on stakeholders in all aspects as follows:

Social Responsibility Policy

The Company’s social responsibility policy can be summarized as follows:

Fair business operations

The Company is committed to operating business with integrity, fairness, and ethics and to fair competitions in accordance with ethical standards, laws, and equity. The Company refrains from any action that may obstruct fair competition, for example, illicitly obtaining a competitor’s trade secrets, achieving or giving undue benefits, etc. To show respect for others’ intellectual properties, the Company has mandated that personnel comply with laws or regulations on intellectual property rights such as using licensed software. As part of the efforts, the Company has formulated Code of Conduct, Corporate Governance Policy, and Social Responsibility Policy to provide guidelines for all employers to observe. A variety of projects have been organized to instill awareness of social responsibility into employees at all levels.

Anti-fraud and corruption

The Company conducts business with adherence to transparency, ethics, good corporate governance principles, and laws on anti-fraud and corruption, and the receiving or giving of bribes or gifts to government officers or company employees. In addition, the Company has defined the organizational structure that outlines the division of roles and responsibilities, work process, and clear line of command in each unit to enable a balance of power and cross-checking between them. The guidelines are detailed in the Anti-corruption Policy which the Company has formulated for compliance by the Board of Directors, executives, and employees.

Respect for human rights

The Company gives importance to respect for human rights to create equity and equality both within and outside the Company: avoid violations of basic human rights and discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, religion, language, color, gender, age, education, disability, or social status; and oversee to ensure the Company does not involve in human rights violation, both directly and indirectly. Human rights grievance and remedy mechanism has been put in place to provide opportunities for employees, the communities, and society to express their opinions, and channels for grievance reporting for those whose right are affected by the Company’s activities. Actions shall be taken to redress the violation and provide appropriate remedies. To ensure efficient respect for human rights, the Company is determined to create body of knowledge on human rights and raise employees’ awareness to comply with human rights principles.

Human Rights Policy

Treatment of employees

The Company realizes the importance of human resources development and fair treatment of employees which can help add value to the Company, increase competitiveness, and contribute to future sustainable growth. In addition to respect and strict compliance with laws and ethical standards, the Company has defined the following policy and practices:

Respect employees’ rights

in accordance with human rights principles and comply with labor laws.

Provide fair employment process and conditions,

as well as determine appropriate compensation, and perform fair employee performance evaluation for promotion, pay, and recognition processes.

Promote employee development

through training, conference, and workshops together with instilling positive attitudes, virtues, morality, and a sense of teamwork into employees.

Provide welfare and benefits

to employees as prescribed by law.

Provide working environment

to enable employees to work safely with good workplace hygiene

Support and encourage employees to express opinions, make complaints, or report

on misconduct, corruption, and wrongdoings in the Company, and provide protection for the related Employees

Responsibility to customers and consumers

The Company is determined to adopt advanced, efficient technologies that meet internationally-recognized standards and are environmentally-friendly in its business operations and development of products and services to ensure highest benefits and satisfaction of consumers/customers. With adherence to treat consumers/customers with responsibility and integrity, the Company observes the following practices that align with its business:

The Company focuses on manufacturing quality products

and gives top priority to quality and safety control throughout the production process. This is accompanied by highly capable personnel and rigorous measures in quality assurance across the manufacturing process.

The Company commits itself to the ongoing development of products and services

to address the application needs of consumers/customers, allowing them to use a broad array of products and services that match their demands and quality standards.

With commitment to fair marketing, the Company provides

consumers/customers with accurate product and service information which is not manipulated, misleading, or exaggerated to allow them to make informed decisions.

The Company sets up a customer relation system

to communicate with consumers/customers and handles complaints about quality of products and services efficiently to provide quick response to their needs and concerns.

The Company shall protect consumer/ customer data,

refrain from abusing such data to avoid damaging the Company’s reputation, and comply with policy and laws on personal data protection.

Conserving the environment and energy

As part of its social responsibility to take care of the environment, the Company ensures that its business operations, as well as products and services strictly comply with laws related to environmental protection along with preventing and reducing environmental impacts. To achieve its goals, efficient cutting-edge technologies that are internationally-accepted and pose no harm to the environment have been implemented.

To minimize environmental impacts from the Company's operations, the Company has taken measures to prevent pollution, manage waste, and treat waste water. Its efforts also extend to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by decreasing fossil fuel usage, increasing the use of alternative energy, reducing the use of plastic bags, encouraging employees to work electronically to minimize paper use, and properly disposing of waste or garbage.

Engagement in community or social development

As part of the communities and society, the Company has a policy of providing support in social development, participating in the socially-beneficial activities of communities in which the Company conducts business. Added to this is responding to the incidents that impact the communities, society, and the environment as a result of the Company’s operations rapidly and efficiently. At the same time, employees are encouraged to take part in community and social development.

Creating and publicizing innovations

The Company resolves to operate efficiently by incorporating innovations into its operations to deliver the highest benefits to society, the environment, and stakeholders and will publicize and publish the innovations in the Annual Report (Form 56-1 One Report).

Annual Report (Form 56-1 One Report)