Sustainability in Environment Dimension

The Company is well aware of the issues associated with global warming and the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), especially carbon dioxide (CO2), which is considered the main culprit of climate change, as well as rising global temperatures, and a multitude of natural disasters. Realizing the potential impact from the Company's operations which may contribute in part to GHG emissions
the Company has defined social and environmental responsibility on carbon footprint along with formulating strategies on GHG management by using alternative energy among many other efforts.
Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Policy
Environmental Performance

Energy consumption
- As the Company's production process uses machinery involving intensive electricity consumption, the Company has a policy of embracing alternative energy through the use of solar-generated electricity to reduce its energy consumption and costs.
- The Company resolves to improve the efficiency of its logistics operations which account for high operating expenses prompted by the need to use its own or other commissioned trucks to deliver products to different destinations. To reduce logistics expenses and GHG emissions, the Company organizes the sequential delivery of products from the Company or suppliers to customers on the same route.
- The Company utilizes high efficiency machinery or equipment that can reduce electricity consumption. Despite the possible increasing production costs, the effort enables the Company to produce products of higher quality and standard in line with the Company’s marketing strategies to deliver excellent quality products to customers.

Performance 2023
The increase is attributed to extended working hours with 1 additional night shift, leading to increased electricity consumption.

Waste and garbage management, waste water treatment, and pollution control
The Company commits to the appropriate disposal of garbage and treatment of waste water and toxins to comply with the requirements as stipulated by law and the country’s standards. Chief among the efforts are reducing the landfilling of waste to reduce GHG emissions, using high quality machinery to minimize waste, and choosing an industrial waste disposal operator that meets standard requirements prescribed by law.
For garbage and other waste such as solid waste and food waste from the canteen, the Company has ensured that the waste be separated before sending to the garbage collection unit.
- General garbage 22,383 Kilograms
- Industrial waste 21,115 Kilograms
- Recyclable waste 48,454 Kilograms
- Hazardous waste 58,342 Kilograms
Waste and garbage management
In 2023, the amount of waste at the Company totaled 150,294 kilograms, comprising 22,383 kilograms of general garbage, 21,115 kilograms of industrial waste, 48,454 kilograms of recyclable waste, and 58,342 kilograms of hazardous waste, a decrease of 25,944 kilograms from the previous year. This was due to the enhanced production efficiency of the machinery that has been streamlined, significantly reducing waste.
Waste water treatment, and pollution control
As for the proper treatment of waste water and toxins in compliance with the requirements as stipulated by law and the standards comparable to those of the industrial plants overseas, there was no need for such efforts because the Company's production machinery produced no waste water. In 2023, the Company’s total water consumption amounted to 56,315 cubic meters, a drop of 13,684 cubic meters from the previous year as the Company reused the treated waste water for other purposes such as watering plants.

Greenhouse gas management
The Company has taken multiple measures to reduce GHG emissions including the use of alternative energy, logistics improvement to reduce GHG emissions, and adoption of high-efficiency machinery to lower electricity consumption in the manufacturing process. Moreover, the Company has promoted planting of trees in the empty space around the premises to increase green space in society. The efforts have continued over the years.
Between 2021-2022, the Company did not conduct a Carbon Footprint for Organization (CFO) nor prepare GHG reporting of GHG emissions and removals. Conducting of a CFO, however, is scheduled to begin in 2023.
The Company is now selecting a verification company registered with the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) to quantify and certify the Company's CFO for 2023.